By submitting your approval to use your User Generated Content (“UGC”) by, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
You grant and its related brand sites (collectively, the "ForeverMy Websites") a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid up license to make use of and distribute your UGC which was willfully submitted or approved by you
for usage, as well your name and appearance therein (if any) and the personally identifying information you provide on or in connection therewith (collectively, the "Approved UGC"). The Approved UGC and or any portion of it shall
be use and distribute on any of ForeverMy Websites media channels (including but not limited to: Website, Mobile, Youtube, etc..) and ForeverMy Websites advertisements channels (including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest,
Newsletters, Printing material, Magazines etc..). The Approved UGC or any portions of it, may be used for unlimited number of times throughout the world.
You acknowledge and agree that you shall not be entitled to share in any revenue that the ForeverMy Websites may or may not earn or generate through its use of your Approved UGC. ForeverMy Websites shall have the right to edit in any manner and
the right to increase, decrease and modify the total file size of the Approved UGC. You hereby waive any right of inspection or approval of your Approved UGC as used and distributed by ForeverMy Websites.
You represent and warrant that your Approved UGC is your original work and that you have secured any and all rights, releases and permissions necessary for the ForeverMy Websites use and distribution of your Approved UGC. You agree, represent
and warrant that either you are approving the usage of your own User-generated content, or that you are approving the usage the User-generated content of another User with all required permissions and consents of such other User and/or such
User’s parent/guardian, as applicable. You alone are responsible for material you approve. You agree not to approve the usage of any libelous, defamatory, abusive, obscene, pornographic, threatening or illegal material.
You should never let the copy of any of your Approved UGCs on a Websites serve as your only copy of such materials. You should maintain your own copies of all of your materials, so that in the event of lost data affecting a
websites and services, you will not lose your Approved UGCs. You should not include any confidential materials as part of your Approved UGCs.
You acknowledge that the ForeverMy Websites will rely on the foregoing terms and conditions, and you hereby waive the right to assert any claim of any nature whatsoever against any party relating to the exercise of the rights and permissions granted
hereunder. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the ForeverMy Websites from any and all claims arising from their use and distribution of your Approved UGC as permitted herein.
ForeverMy Websites reserves the right to disclose any information that ForeverMy Websites believes necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request, or to refuse to post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in
part. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this Terms of Use Agreement each time you view and Submit content to the ForeverMy Websites.
You should not send us your approval to use your UGC if you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions.